Poland delivered MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine

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1:04 p.m. : Marcin Przydacz, an adviser to the Polish presidency, announced that it had delivered the first MiG-29 fighter jets it had promised to Ukraine. However, he did not specify their number. “A few MiGs have already been sent, they are indeed useful for Ukraine to defend the security of all of us”he told private radio station RMF FM.

1:06 p.m. : The young woman Daria Trepova, arrested in Russia this morning, admitted having brought the explosive device that killed the military blogger. In a video released by the Russian Interior Ministry, she said she had “brought a statuette that exploded”.

11:44 am : Moscow claims that this attack was prepared with the complicity of supporters of imprisoned Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny.

11:41 a.m. : Russia accuses kyiv of having orchestrated the attack against Vladlen Tatarsky.

11:22 : The café where the attack took place, the Street Food bar, belonged to the leader of the paramilitary group Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine. He said he had entrusted the restaurant in question to “Cyber ​​Z Front”. It is a Russian “troll factory”, which carries out disinformation campaigns in favor of the Kremlin, on social networks.


11:17 a.m. : The young woman arrested is 26 years old. According to the Russian agency Tass, she had been detained for 10 days in 2022 for protesting against the Russian assault on Ukraine.

11:11 a.m. : Investigators “arrested Daria Trepova, suspected of participation in the explosion at the cafe in Saint Petersburg”the Investigative Committee of Russia said on Telegram.

10:54 : The Russian authorities have announced the arrest of a young woman, the main suspect in the attack that killed Vladlen Tatarsky. According to the first elements of the investigation, the famous military blogger died after receiving an explosive device presented in a box.

09:26 : The spring conscription campaign has started in Russia. This campaign must last until July 15 and the conscripts will receive an electronic summons, specifies RFI. The first campaign last fall gave rise to several hiccups, such as appeals from citizens in wheelchairs and fathers of large families.

09:19 : The destruction in the cultural sectors has already cost 2.4 billion euros, according to an assessment made by Unesco. The Karkhiv and Donbass regions concentrate nearly 60% of the destruction. Two-thirds (more than 65%) of the total cost relates to the destruction of monuments and sites, ie 1.57 billion euros.

The interior of the Drama Theater in Mariupol, Ukraine, April 12, 2022. (SERGEI ILNITSKY / EPA)


07:38 : According to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, the explosive device was concealed in a figurine presented as a gift to Vladlen Tatarsky. According to the agency, 32 people were injured.

10:06 : Vladlen Tatarsky, a well-known Russian military blogger, was killed by an explosive device in a café in Saint Petersburg. The man, born Maksim Fomin, according to The Kyiv Independent (in English), was a strong supporter of the invasion of Ukraine, and had nearly half a million subscribers on his Telegram channel.

06:12 : City of some 70,000 inhabitants before the war, Bakhmout has been the scene of particularly violent fighting for months. Due to the duration of the battle and the heavy losses suffered by both sides, the city has become a symbol of the struggle between Russians and Ukrainians for control of the industrial region of Donbass.

(Diego Herrera Carcedo/Anadolu Agency via AFP)

07:00 : A few hours earlier, the Ukrainian General Staff had affirmed that Bakhmout had not been taken by Russian forces. “Ukrainian defenders bravely hold the city repelling numerous enemy attacks,” explained the army on its Facebook page.

06:09 : Reaction of Evgueni Prigojine from (according to him) Bakhmout and through night vision binoculars. Tribute to the propagandist killed without accusing Ukraine then update on his advances on the front and end of video cut hastily as it shoots. https://t.co/Un6VsM2KHv

06:08 : “In the legal sense, Bakhmout has been captured. The enemy is concentrated in the western areas.”

On his Telegram channel, the head of the Russian militia waved a Russian flag with an inscription in honor of Vladlen Tatarsky. This Russian military blogger, a fervent defender of the war in Ukraine, was killed yesterday by a bomb explosion in Saint Petersburg.

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