(Quebec) Liberal activists will elect their new leader on June 14, 2025 at a convention in Quebec at the end of a leadership race which will last five months and during which four debates will be organized.
The Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) detailed Friday in a press release the terms of its race in order to find a successor to former leader Dominique Anglade, in the context where the political party is at its lowest in the polls , particularly among the French-speaking electorate.
The PLQ leadership race will be divided into four phases. It will begin on January 13, 2025, the date from which aspiring leaders will be able to submit their candidacy to the party. If more than one person presents itself, four debates will be held between April 12 and June 8, 2025. Members will then vote over a period of six days, between June 9 and June 14, 2025, the day on which a congress will be held of the chiefdom in Quebec.

Former Montreal mayor Denis Coderre
To date, the former mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre, as well as the current MP for the Marguerite-Bourgeoys riding, Frédéric Beauchemin, have publicly stated that they are considering running for office. Mr. Coderre must, for his part, clarify his intentions this spring, at the end of a walk on the road to Compostela.

Liberal MP Frédéric Beauchemin
During the pre-session parliamentary caucus last January, Liberal MP Marwah Rizqy said that her phone was ringing and that people from the business community were thinking about entering the race. No one has officially announced that they plan to be on the starting line yet.
Behind the scenes, the name of former Liberal MP Karl Blackburn, now president and CEO of the Conseil du patronat (CPQ), is circulating extensively. The president and CEO of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Quebec (FCCQ), Charles Milliard, was also questioned by liberals about his intentions. Last January, the latter nevertheless affirmed that he occupies “one of the best jobs in Quebec which [lui] allows us to contribute concretely to the economic development of Quebec and the regions through the network of chambers of commerce.”
Weighted votes by constituency
As part of the election of the next Liberal leader, the PLQ also announced on Friday the details of its voting method.
Concretely, the election will be held by universal voting of members, by telephone and by internet, and the party has developed a weighting formula by constituency and by age group: “250,000 points for all constituencies and 125,000 points for THE [votes des] members aged 25 and under.
To be elected leader, the candidate must obtain 50% of the points in the first round. If no one obtains this score, “a second round must be held between the two candidates having obtained the most points”, specifies the party.
In order to run in the race, candidates will have to collect the signatures of 750 members in good standing, from at least 70 constituencies and 12 regions, including 350 new members. Aspiring leaders will also be required to make a party deposit of $40,000. Election expenses will be limited to $400,000.