Who am I ?
A woman in search of meaning and who humbly hopes, along the way, to broaden her horizons.
Are we free?
Yes, we have free will, but life always finds its way. We have choice, but no control over context or circumstances.
What do you remember from your education?
That autonomy and self-responsibility are essential abilities to develop sooner rather than later… and that my single and widowed mother did a hell of a job!
A thinker/philosopher/author who has been with you for a long time?
Feminist author and former journalist Mona Chollet. It is absolutely essential. She uninhibited my nulliparity, my need to be alone at home and cemented my feminism. I love his writing and his way of describing and understanding our world. I have read all of his work and refer to it often.

Rebecca Makonnen at the Dynastie 2023 awards gala, which recognizes the exceptional career and commitment of a member of Quebec’s black community in the arts, culture and media sectors
What torments your conscience?
Obviously, we learn and retain nothing from History. No lasting lessons are learned. Everything has to be started again.
The most surprising thing you’ve done for love?
Being in a relationship with a man who works closely with the mother of his children. You have to juggle a lot of things, including frustration.
The perfect place or state of mind?
Much is said about carelessness. It’s a place I’ve never been to. Is it true ?
An advantage of being selfish?
We can take the time to work on ourselves, to think.
A quality you will never have?
Your demon?
The anxiety, the intrusive thoughts that always make me imagine the worst scenario. I have a lot of difficulty trusting life, so my brain, despite myself, tries to predict and anticipate everything.
A beautiful death, in your opinion?
I’m not original: quickly, in my sleep, without pain or discomfort.
What annoys you in life?
Injustices and especially those who refuse to recognize them and who have the power to change things, but who do not do so, so that the status quo remains.
Complete the sentence: If God exists…
…I would very much like to interview her.