Philippe Juvin calls for “not to do double standards on the territory of the Republic”

While the obligation vaccine for caregivers was postponed to December 31 in the West Indies, Philippe Juvin estimated Friday, November 26 on franceinfo that he “is tIt is very important not to do double standards, two measures on the territory of the Republic. Ultimately, all caregivers must be vaccinated against Covid-19 throughout the territory of the Republic “, said the mayor Les Républicains de La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), candidate for the nomination for the presidential election.

The one who is also head of emergency at the Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris, however, says he understands “embarrassment” of the government, while Martinique and Guadeloupe are experiencing a serious social crisis, in particular because of the health pass and the compulsory vaccination of caregivers. “The government is facing a very critical situation and is trying to have an attitude that is as appropriate as possible.” He understands the delay given to caregivers, but he judges “important not to give in on the principle”.

Philippe Juvin believes that the crisis in the West Indies “is like what France has been experiencing for years. Each time, we only act in haste and when the fire is declared.” He finds that we “decides to build fire stations when the fire is present. The fire stations must be built well in advance. Steps must be taken beforehand to prevent it from exploding.” According to him, “the government is going from explosion to explosion”. In crisis management, he pleads for France to have “now a step ahead of events and that we do not have to manage them in the disaster”.

The candidate for the LR nomination also believes that the government has “a stroke of delay” in the fight against the spread of Covid-19, as a new variant of the virus spreads and after the announcements made by the executive to stop the fifth wave. The head of emergency at the Georges Pompidou hospital recalls that this makes “Several weeks” he asks “the third vaccination for everyone without age limit”. He welcomes the decision of the Minister of Health, but believes that “we are late”. He calls to reopen “massively the vaccination centers”, otherwise he does not see “how we will be able to vaccinate a large part of the population”. The mayor of La Garenne-Colombes is also demanding that the state help the municipalities to ensure this vaccination.

Philippe Juvin also pleads for “massively distributed in schools for self-tests” so that the children “can test themselves at home”. He takes the example of Great Britain where there is “Two self-tests per week distributed free to middle and high school students. They test themselves. If they are positive, they stay at home. If they are negative, they go to school”, explains the local elected representative. “We don’t have this strategy”, deplores Philippe Juvin. “I think that here too, we are far behind school. The strategy to fight an epidemic is to go faster than the virus. And here, we are not going faster than the virus. “

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