Cheers to the new show What an era! Hosted by Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne, Philippe Caverivière made touching secrets about his family to journalists from Release. Marked by two deaths, the comedian who met Nicolas Canteloup at Club Med in 1993 revealed that he had lost his mother and his sister to the same disease: cancer. One of three siblings, he has an older brother Patrick, who is 12 years older than him, and a younger sister Sophie. When she was only 7 years old, she died suddenly. He was 4 years old.
“I have footage from that moment, but it’s pretty blurry. Above all, I understand that I have to play dumb to make my mother smile“, he confided to Release who painted her portrait last May. “At that age, you don’t understand everything. But you feel the heavy atmosphere at home, so you make the family laugh“, he also revealed to Parisianthereby explaining his future vocation for the profession of comedian.
I love you forever
A few years later, his mother also died of cancer. To keep his mother always with him, he made a tattoo to honor her. A way to signify that he will always have it in his skin. “Mum, I love you forever and after“, is thus inscribed in Thai on his body. Since then very committed to the fight against cancer, he is also the sponsor of the Var association Léo which fights against pediatric cancers. “It’s a way of fighting a fight that I had lost,” he said with emotion to the journalist of Release. During an event organized in 2018, he invited personalities from the PAF such as Michel Drucker, his friend Nicolas Canteloup and Thomas Sotto.
Immediately, Thomas Sotto was seduced by his repartee and offered to have his own weekly column on RTL: “I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t say no to Thomas. He had come, had taken his ticket, he had animated the evening with me… And then I said to myself that in any case I was going to be fired after three chronicles“. He officiates since the morning of RTL (and does not risk being fired given his success on the air).
The full interview with Philippe Careriviere is available on the Liberation site.