PEAR SABAYON DUO and put the sabayon in all its states!


Wonderful entremet that the SABAYON! I offer it here sweetened with pear. A recipe to make when there are few of you – ideal for a “tete à tête”!

WARNING: all ingredients must be at room temperature!

A recipe to serve preferably hot but it can also be eaten cold.

You can add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or lemon sorbet.

It may happen that the preparation is “divided” (liquid and small grains) it can then be mixed to “resolder” it.

Per person :

1 glass (15 cl) of raw cider

1 egg yolk

2 tbsp of sugar

1 pear, peeled and cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick + ½ tsp butter

In a bowl that can go in a bain-marie, put the egg yolk and the sugar and mix until you get a frothy preparation. Gradually stir in the cider until you get a smooth paste. Put the salad bowl in a HIGH water bath (the COLD water must be at the same height as the preparation) and heat. Cook, stirring GENTLY constantly, until the mixture thickens. Keep warm on the bain-marie. Meanwhile, heat the butter in a pan and brown the pear slices. Pour the sabayon into a deep plate or a bowl, in the middle place the pear slices and serve hot. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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