Osez le féminisme calls for the cessation of videos broadcast on the site and the closure of the television channel

“Jacquie and Michel must stop their broadcasts” who show “videos of rape, crime scenes”, denounces Céline Piques, spokesperson for Dare Feminism!, Saturday June 18 on franceinfo. She calls on the institutions “and in particular the Arcom” to react and “to close the television channel of Jacquie and Michel” on Canal+ after the indictment and placement under judicial control of the owner of the pornographic site, Michel Piron, for complicity in rape and human trafficking in an organized gang.

Céline Piques regrets what she calls “huge mistake” of the judge of freedoms who let Michel Piron come out free from the court, while the prosecution had requested his placement in pre-trial detention.

“I say loud and clear that he should have been remanded in custody because he will hinder the investigation”

Céline Piques, spokesperson for Dare feminism!

at franceinfo

The spokesperson for Dare feminism! is convinced that this release will prevent “other victims to say what they have experienced”. For Céline Piques this decision is “shocking”, “unacceptable” and proves that the judge did not seize “the scope of the investigation”.

Céline Piques recalls that there is “two cases”, one involving Michel Piron, the owner of the Ares company which owns the Jacquie&Michel brand, and the other involving 12 producers including those nicknamed “Pascal OP” and “Mat Hadix”. For these two cases Dare feminism! accompanied “dozens and dozens of victims”, “7 in one, 50 in the other”, says the association’s spokesperson. “It’s an organized trafficking system and justice must finally prove us right”, she asserts. “Amateur porn does not exist”, Céline Piques insists: “It is a pimping and criminal industry whose very organization is a vast system of pimping, organized rape and human trafficking”.

Michel Piron’s lawyer, Me Nicolas Cellupica, has made known his client’s intention to leave the Ares group for the duration of the procedure. The accused man says “deeply regret that seven contentious scenes could have been shot”, reminding that Jacquie&Michel is only the broadcaster of these videos “made by independent producers”. “It is false, he is a sponsor and organizer of the pimping system and that is what the investigation will show”protests Céline Piques. “His media defense to counter-fire does not hold up”she adds.

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