Oscars | The Art in the Blood in the running for Best Animated Short

art in the blood (Affairs of the Art), a film by Joanna Quinn and Les Mills co-produced by the National Film Board, will be a finalist at the 94and Academy Awards in the Animated Shorts category.

Posted at 8:27

Andre Duchesne

Andre Duchesne
The Press

Hailing from the UK (Beryl Productions), the film examines a family’s quirky yet endearing obsessions with drawing, screw threads, stuffing pets and other odds and ends.

The Canadian and Quebec participation was made via the sound design (Olivier Calvert), the sound effects (Nicolas Gagnon) and the dubbing in French version provided by the actors Chantal Baril (Beryl), Benoit Brière (Ifor), Marika Lhoumeau (Beverly ) and Nicolas Bacon (Colin).

The world premiere of art in the blood took place in January 2021 at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. Since then, the work has been presented in more than 65 festivals, winning 27 prizes along the way.

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