No parole for 20 years for René Kègle

René Kègle will not be eligible for parole for 20 years for the murders of Jean-Christophe Gilbert, Steve Lamy and Ophélie Martin-Cyr, committed between October 2 and 10, 2018.

Posted at 1:52 p.m.

Le Nouvelliste

Kègle was waiting to know the period of eligibility for parole to which he will be forced for the next few years in the penitentiary. The joint suggestion made by Crown prosecutors, Me Benoît Larouche and Me Martine Tessier, and defense lawyer, Me Annie-Sophie Bédard was finally approved this Friday by Judge Raymond W. Pronovost, among other things because it is reasonable in such circumstances, but also because it was approved by the families of the victims after a long and difficult legal process that lasted four years.

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