New CCP leader: Pierre Poilievre compared to Donald Trump

The group “Canadians United Against Hate” (CUCH) compares the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, to the former American president, Donald Trump.

• Read also: Pierre Poilievre elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

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“The election of Pierre Poilievre as leader of the Conservatives means that Canada now has its own Trumpist political party led by a politician who embraces extremism,” CUCH said in a statement.

The group, which has just under 200 likes on its Facebook page, considers Poilievre’s arrival to be “toxic” and a threat to the country’s political stability.

“This poses a threat to the political stability of Canada because it means Conservative Party voters have decided to move the party to the far right in the same way the Republican Party in the United States did with Donald Trump, and we saw how it turned out,” CUCH founder Fareed Khan said in a statement.

He also recalled that Poilievre had encouraged the truckers who demonstrated last February, in Ottawa, and that he insulted the media on several occasions, as Donald Trump did.

“[…] Politics will become even more polarized and toxic, he predicted. It will energize the extremist and hate-motivated elements that supported him to disrupt and destabilize the social and political order in the same way as those behind the occupation of Ottawa did.”

Fareed Khan is worried about Poilievre making a center turn to woo the Canadiens. He insisted on the importance of not being fooled by the Conservative leader.

“Poilievre used Donald Trump’s playbook in his campaign and will likely continue to do so in his bid to become prime minister,” Fareed Khan said. We have seen how Trumpism in the United States has led to a rise in extremism, more hatred directed at immigrants, radicalized and minority communities.”

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