Natacha Amal bursts into tears in “TPMP People”, these live reunions which deeply moved her!

Emotions, there are often on the set of “TPMP People”. But probably not as much as in the sequence which took place this Saturday, February 18. Indeed, for his show of the day, Matthieu Delormeau received Lola Zidi. The daughter of Yves Rénier (actor who played Commissioner Moulin and died on April 24, 2021: editor’s note), came to discuss the problems of addiction to alcohol and other drugs. A subject related to the Pierre Palmade affair which has unleashed passions since Friday February 10…

But what the host probably didn’t know was that Lola Zidi knew one of the columnists very well. “TPMP People”. So much so that the columnist in question burst into tears when she found the daughter of Yves Rénier. And it’s none other than Natacha Amal. If the 54-year-old Belgian actress was so moved, it’s because she played the wife of “Commissioner Moulin” in the series of the same name. In fact, she knew the father of Lola Zidi well and the girl who was still only a child at the time.

See also: Pierre Palmade case: “His friends in the business have all disappeared!”

Natacha Amal moved by finding Lola Zidi

“I was Commissioner Moulin’s fiancée for 11 years. So I got to know the eldest daughter, very well, Samantha, whom I adore. As soon as we meet, we jump into each other’s arms”, she revealed, with tears in her eyes, before specifying: “we went on vacation, with the little boubouche there (she points to Lola Zidi: editor’s note) we also went on vacation several times. I was a bit part of the family”. And if the emotion invaded Natacha Amal, it is because it had been many years since she had not seen the young woman again.

“The last time I met you, you were playing at my mother’s theater in Avignon so I think it’s been at least ten years”revealed in particular Lola Zidi, also overwhelmed by emotion before confiding: “I didn’t even know you’d be on set”. After everyone managed to dry their tears, Matthieu Delormeau, also moved, tried to pick up the thread of his show, not without difficulty.


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