More beautiful life: Production reacts after Laurent Kerusoré’s cash comments on France Télévisions

It’s no longer a secret, More beautiful life will end next November. A blow for the team of the famous series of France 3 which is sad to have to say goodbye to the Mistral soon. In the media, Laurent Kerusoré, who has played Thomas Marci since 2005, has already spoken on the subject. But his words toParis here (of July 27) caused a lot of reaction. The producer therefore wanted to break the silence.

It is a Laurent Kerusoré very upset against France Télévisions that the readers of the magazine have been able to read. “Ms Ernotte [la présidente du groupe France Télévision, NDLR] didn’t even come to tell us the bad news, not even a letter. She sent one of her right arms [Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez, NDLR]. We were fired by an enarque who, in two years, will work in a bank or at Orange […] All the actors and technicians are, despite everything, in a positive spirit, without any hatred, but I really wouldn’t like to be in the place of the leaders of France Télévisions. It happened in the worst possible way. (…) We learned it at the same time as the viewers“, had in particular entrusted the actor of 48 years.

Newen, the production company of More beautiful life, could not remain silent. Thus the co-producer Claire de la Rochefoucauld wished to express herself to our colleagues from Puremedia. She first confided that she had not failed to contact Laurent Kerusoré after discovering the said interview: “I immediately called Laurent to get his version of the facts. because I was quite surprised. Obviously, I don’t agree with him at all.. Actors have always been free to express themselves as they see fit“. Very quickly, she then discovered thatParis here would have distorted the words of the actor who is a heart to take. “He finds that the article d‘Paris here twisted his words and he really doesn’t like the image it gives of him. He wants to finish the series in style and the article on the contrary sends back the image of someone embittered and hateful. For him, it’s not his state of mind and it doesn’t reflect at all the interview he had. Laurent is very affected. He feels like he’s been completely screwed“, she continued.

Carole de la Rochefoucauld assured that the teams of More beautiful life and France Télévisions continued to “work hand in hand“because, even if it is a blow, it is not the first nor the last that is not renewed.”We had 18 happy years. Objectively, the ending is going extremely well, both artistically and socially.“, she added. She therefore does not want the words of Laurent Kerusoré, distorted or not, “come to sow discord“.

Laurent is an extremely sensitive person, who has given his all to the series for 18 years. He has not filmed elsewhere than in Plus belle la vie. It was a choice on his part. And he also did plenty of other interviews where he never made such comments. They took advantage of an emotionally complicated moment for Laurent“, she concluded.

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