more and more French people are trying their hand at picking


France 2

Article written by

C. Blondiaux, Z. Berkous, A. Lopez – France 2

France Televisions

Fruit and vegetable prices have increased by 11% in one year. In order not to spend too much, more and more French people are turning to picking, organized by certain producers.

In Bernienville, in the Eure, picking looks like a game for children. They try to pick, touch, recognize fruits and vegetables on their own. After a few explanations, Maya already has a green thumb and is picking green beans. “It’s a fun activity, and then it’s good to eat vegetables that come directly from the earth, rather than going to buy them in stores”explains Majorie Defresne, picker.

Teamwork or solitary passion, self-picking is attracting more and more people. Customers want to be sure of the taste and provenance of what they have on their plate. “It grows, we pick them, we cook them, we eat them…”, basically sums up this harvester. “There is no comparison compared to the supermarket, where we have quantity but the taste is not at all the same. And the price is not the same either”, observes another.

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