Montreal Cocktail Fest | The cream of cocktails in Montreal

The new Montreal Cocktail Fest launches on Sunday, May 19, with three days of conferences and experienced mixologists invited to the city’s bars.

The legendary Dale DeGroff, credited with nothing less than the cocktail renaissance, and the highly regarded Jim Meehan, owner of Please Don’t Tell (PDT) bar in New York, will discuss aspects of the craft .

In addition to discussing the best continuing education options for the industry, New York educator Shannon Mustipher will host a “Women who tiki” evening, around rum cocktails, at the friendly (but very small!) El Pequeño bar.

Two food-cocktail pairing dinners will take place simultaneously on Tuesday, the first at Foxy, around spirits from the Ontario distillery Dillon’s, the second at Taverne Sur Le Square with Clive’s Classic Lounge, a renowned bar on Victoria Island.

Conferences cost a modest $5 each and all evenings are free of charge. You just have to pay for your drinks.

Visit the Montreal Cocktail Fest website

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