Miscarriage of Marlène Schiappa: reaction of her husband and heartbreaking secrets

The miscarriages that women can suffer are, in France, still a taboo subject in 2022. For Marlène Schiappa, a fervent feminist, it is out of the question for them to undergo the pressure and silence of society on an ordeal that is already very complicated to bear. . The Minister for Citizenship could not be better placed to talk about it since she herself suffered a miscarriage last fall. This drama, she mentioned it for the first time in An intimate ambition, presented by Karine Le Marchand. Wishing to advance the cause and the care of women in this situation, Marlène Schiappa once again expressed herself in the 12.45 d’M6 this Monday, March 21, thus returning to this terrible day.

At the time, Marlène Schiappa was traveling with Jean Castex. She haemorrhaged while pregnant with her third child. She concludes what every future mother fears: she is having a miscarriage. Impossible for her to leave the Prime Minister hastily. Her husband Cédric Bruguières will however try to make her change her mind: “[Il] said ‘But leave the move!’ I said ‘We do not leave the Prime Minister’s trip, it does not happen’. I took refuge in a car for a bit while waiting for us to go home“. Out of professionalism and modesty, Marlène Schiappa was not taken care of directly.

Worried for his collaborator to whom he does not know what is happening, Jean Castex contacted Marlène Schiappa in the minutes that followed: “The Prime Minister called me to check on me and asked me if it was serious. I simply told the truth in the terms that occurred to me at the time, which is that I am having a miscarriage.” Having been there, Marlène Schiappa makes this taboo subject in society a priority. Not only in the support but in the management of the situation: “If Matignon and the Élysée manage to replace a minister for three weeks, all employers in France can organize themselves“ she declared to the Parisian.

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