Michel Polnareff announces an immersive show in Paris at the Palace

Fans of Michel Polnareff are over the moon. The singer announces this Monday his immersive show scheduled from May 5, 2022 to March 1, 2023 in Paris. It will take place at the Théâtre le Palace.

This series of immersive concerts is entitled: “Polnarêve”. On social networks, the artist unveiled some visuals including the poster for the show with his famous glasses in front of a cosmic and rural background.

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We do not know much about this concept of immersive show which should flirt with virtual or augmented reality, computer graphics or holograms.

The immersive experience is an extraordinary journey designed with Michel Polnareff. His mythical and iconic songs take the viewer on an experience towards the unexpected and the explosion of musical images.“, specifies a press release from the Palace.

During the day, during the week, there will be an exhibition around the universe of Michel Polnareff, and from May 5, on Friday and Saturday evenings, there will be some immersive concerts, in 360°“, told AFP Hazis Vardar, director of the Palace.

We just know that it will be an avant-garde show, a concert of the next world but, for the time being, we don’t know more, there could be evenings in his presence, evenings without, we are talking about a piano-voice formula, for the moment, in an immersive setting, I do not have all the answers“, he added.

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