MEP Nathalie Loiseau “wishes France to do more” and “Germany a lot more”

While the Europeans have voted for an eighth set of sanctions against Russia, MEP Nathalie Loiseau calls for “increasing arms deliveries now” to help the Ukrainian army “get through the winter”.

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Nathalie Loiseau, MEP Renew president of the Security and Defense sub-committee, wished on Friday October 7 on franceinfo that France “do more” and “Germany is doing a lot more” regarding the supply of arms to Ukraine. On Thursday, President Emmanuel Macron announced that France was considering sending new Caesar cannons to help Ukraine, which has been trying to repel the Russian army since February.

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While the Europeans voted for an eighth set of sanctions against Russia after the annexation of several Ukrainian territories, Nathalie Loiseau wants France to quickly help Volodymyr Zelensky’s army get through the winter: “The sooner the better because it’s happening now.” It notes that arms deliveries from Ukraine’s allies, Europeans, Americans, in particular “make the difference on the pitch” and “Ukrainians know how to make good use of it.” winter is coming “difficult for the Russian army, but also for the Ukrainian army”. It is therefore “really now that we must continue to increase arms deliveries”she said.

She also wants Germany to be able to deliver Tanks. “We know that Germany is in a way violent to itself after a very long pacifist tradition which can be explained by history. But today, history is being made and we must help Ukraine very quickly to face Russia”she repeated.

The objective of the Europeans is to “to continue to weaken Russia’s military capabilities, to make the Kremlin pay for the recent escalation with these illegal annexations of Ukrainian territory. And then, to increase the pressure on the Russian government and on the Russian economy so that the Russian people are fully aware that he has everything to lose and nothing to gain by continuing this war”she concluded.

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