Meghli Recipe | The duty

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

A dessert that is traditionally prepared in Lebanon at Christmas or to celebrate the birth of a child.

For 4 people


1.5 liters of water

100 g powdered rice

1 glass of sugar

5g powdered anise

10g fennel powder

10g ground cinnamon

For decoration

100g pistachios

100 g walnuts

100g almonds

100g coconut flakes


1. In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil.

2. Dilute the powdered rice in a little water, then add it to boiling water.

3. Lower the heat and stir with a whisk.

4. Add sugar and spices. Stir until you get a thick consistency that sticks to the spoon.

5. Pour the meghli into individual cups or a dish.

6. Leave to cool in the fridge and decorate with walnuts.

7. Serve cold.

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