Meghan Markle: Her farewell words revealed several years later…

To all my friends from The Tigbefore closing this magnificent three-year adventure, it’s time to say goodbye“. In 2017, Meghan Markle sees her life change: her relationship with Prince Harry, the youngest son of Prince Charles, has just been revealed and she knows it, she will have to marry him and join the British royal family.

Before abandoning her American life and leaving to live in the United Kingdom, the actress takes the time to address a few words to the readers of her blog, The Tig, on which she has been posting for three years. “What started as a passion project (my own little engine) has evolved into an incredible community of inspiration, support, fun and frivolity. You have made my days brighter and filled this experience with so much joy“, she said then. Indeed, since 2014, she shared there every day little advice on fashion, beauty and lifestyle which allowed him to be closer to his public. His farewells are therefore made in the same spirit, in a friendly tone.

Keep those moments of discovery that we shared on The Tig, keep laughing and taking risks. Stick to the idea of ​​being ‘the change you want to see in the world’. Above all, don’t forget your value, as I have told you over and over again: you are enough to be happy. thank you for everything“. A nice message that could finally… not be the last!

Indeed, Prince Harry’s wife has returned to the United States for more than a year now after leaving the royal family and the United Kingdom with a bang. With her husband and their two children (Archie, 2 years old and Lilibet, 8 months), she lives in California, not far from her mother, to whom she is close. And if she has not yet resumed her acting career, it is rumored that she could relaunch her blog!

According to DailyMail, the duchess friend with Oprah Winfrey could indeed use it to forge partnerships and earn a small fortune! She could also convey the messages that seem important to her, she who has recently been very involved in the subject of mental health. On the other hand, there is no question of talking about her private life: to avoid cyber-harassment, the sister-in-law of Prince William and Kate Middleton closed her Instagram account a long time ago and keeps her life perfectly private today.

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