Mathias Pogba in prison: new blow for Paul Pogba’s brother!

It’s a case that started as a bad joke, but which no longer makes many people laugh. End of August, Mathias Pogbathe big brother of the French international Paul Pogba, publishes a series of videos on social networks in which he reveals that he will soon make big revelations about the football star. An announcement that triggered a real media bomb and in the days that followed, we learned that the Juventus player from Turin had decided to file a complaint in mid-August against several men who would have kidnapped him to extract money from him. silver.

An investigation for “extortion in an organized gang and attempt” has since been opened by French justice – Mathias Pogba has been indicted – and a lot of information has come out in the press about the Pogba brothers and their relations. The mother of the two men, Yeo Moriba, also found herself at the heart of the investigation and obviously she chose Paul’s side in this case. On September 17, we even learned of the incarceration of Mathias Pogba in the company of 4 other men. The latter declares himself innocent from the beginning in this affair and recently, he applied for release to get out of jail.

The broadcast of new decisive videos in the judges’ decision

Unfortunately for him, the videos released on his Twitter account several days after his imprisonment obviously did not please the investigating judges responsible for this case. If during his incarceration on September 17 the player could have good hope of being released in a short time, thehe distribution of his videos was not at all to the taste of French justice. His recent request for freedom was thus refused by the investigating judges and according to information from the Parisianthe pressure exerted by Mathias Pogba on his little brother by publishing his videos would have weighed heavily in the judges’ decision.

The judges say that “These recent elements raise even more serious questions about the latter’s involvement, his intentions vis-à-vis the plaintiff and his position in relation to the facts for which he is indicted”as specified in the ordinance of September 29 which the journalists of Le Parisien were able to consult.

Mathias Pogba remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the case is closed.

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