Marseille: four years after the tragedy in the rue d’Aubagne, a tribute to commemorate the victims


France 3

Article written by

B. Bock, R. Fiorucci, S. Micaelli – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday, November 5, we are four years to the day after the tragedy in the rue d’Aubagne in Marseille. Eight people lost their lives in the collapse of two dilapidated buildings in the city center. A morning of commemorations took place.

Nine minutes of silence in tribute to the victims of the collapses of the rue d’Aubagne in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone). The moment is powerful and moving. Many have come to gather, saturday 5 November, between anonymous people, residents of the neighborhood and relatives of the victims. “Four years later, it is still a very strong event that connects the inhabitants of the district, which connects all the Marseillais in fact”thinks a woman.

The families of the victims want this tribute to advance the rehousing of the victims. “We started a battle to ensure that the displaced can find a place, a decent habitat, and I think it’s the best battle we can have because we support our children”declares Lilina The Londemother of Julien, victim of the tragedy. “Today, in the rue d’Aubagne, more than thirty buildings are in imminent danger”describes journalist Brian Bock.

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