man sentenced to 13 years in prison for rape during magnetism sessions

This Friday, February 4 at the Assises de l’Hérault, Gilbert Gréaux is sentenced to 13 years in prison for rape and sexual assault. This 77-year-old man was not present when the verdict was announced. He fled years ago and has since lived in the United States. For medical reasons, this septuagenarian could not make the trip to explain himself to the bar. For years, this recidivist rapist has denied the facts. The victims, six women, very present at the trial, came to testify at the Montpellier Court of Appeal. They are now recognized by the courts as victims of rape and sexual assault by Gilbert Gréaux.

Gilbert Gréaux is still at large in the United States

France Bleu Hérault collected and shared this week the testimony of Bérénice. This 33-year-old from Montpellier was the victim of rape in December 2014. At the time, she went to the wine estate of Gilbert Gréaux, who rented guest rooms. He offers her a session of magnetism. It was during this magnetism session that he raped Bérénice. After more than seven years of legal battle, it is a relief for this young woman. When the verdict is announced, the tears flow, the emotion is strong: “It’s a relief because he is found guilty of all these crimes, rapes and sexual assaults. He has always claimed his innocence. Today justice declares him guilty, so I will finally be able to rebuild myself.”

If the accused is condemned today by the assizes of the Hérault, Gilbert Gréaux is still free in the United States. French justice must now succeed in extraditing him to serve his prison sentence. The fight is still far from over for Bérénice: “It is a bitter victory today, since he is not here. He is sentenced to thirteen years in prison, thirteen years in prison in the sun, in Orlando in the United States. Will he serve his thirteen years in prison?”

I hope that justice will seek him in the United States. Bérénice, one of Gilbert Gréaux’s rape victims.

The question now is whether French justice will succeed in extraditing Gilbert Gréaux. An international arrest warrant has been issued, giving Berenice hope: “I would like public opinion to mobilize, for politicians to move. I hope that everyone will take their responsibilities. 13 years in prison. Currently he is free. Free! And that’s a shame!”

An international arrest warrant

For Bérénice’s lawyer, Maître Ava Magassa, it is a victory for Bérénice and also for all the victims of the septuagenarian: “Justice recognizes these six women as victims of rape and sexual assault, it is very important for them. It is also very important for all the other victims since Gilbert Gréaux has wreaked havoc. Thanks to the investigation by the gendarmes, we know that there are also women who have confessed to being victims of rape or sexual assault but who have not dared or had the courage to file a complaint. This conviction is also very important for all these women”. The investigation indeed lasted two years, 1416 people were heard by the investigators.

This is a very important victory for all the other victims of Gilbert Gréaux. Maître Ava Magassa, victims’ lawyer

On the other hand, this decision of the Court of Appeal is difficult to hear, given the lack of evidence for Denis Bertrand, lawyer for Gilbert Gréaux: “It’s a bad decision. The court did not show justice. There is reason to have certain doubts in this case. It is not the number of victims that must play but the facts and the evidence ” Here, there are no witnesses, no in-depth medical expertise on the victims. I will inform my client of this conviction. He will not be able to appeal since he was absent at his trial, on the other hand he can oppose this court decision.

An international arrest warrant is issued against Gilbert Gréaux. French justice will seek to extradite him so that he can serve his prison sentence.

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