LREM deputy Stéphanie Rist will file a complaint after death threats by email

“I am going to open fire because you are well beyond our tolerance threshold,” one person threatened by email.

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The deputy La République en Marche du Loiret Stéphanie Rist will file a complaint on Monday January 3 after receiving death threats by email related to the management of the Covid-19 health crisis, she told France Bleu Orléans, then that the deputies examine Monday the bill transforming the health pass into vaccination pass.

>> Covid-19: the vaccine pass arrives at the National Assembly. Follow our live on the Covid pandemic and its consequences

The chosen one shared a screenshot of this email, titled “Totalitarianism is futile, bullets are the answer”, on Twitter, in which it is written in particular: “I am going to open fire because you have largely exceeded our tolerance and patience threshold. (…) The people who participated in this totalitarian vision of France, by taking political decisions, are going to die, including you.”

Stéphanie Rist adds, on the social network, that she “vote based on [sa] conscience and never according to pressures, the mandate of deputy is not an imperative mandate! This kind of email is therefore useless “.

At the end of December, and because of the tense climate around the vaccination pass, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin asked the prefects to strengthen surveillance around the offices and homes of parliamentarians.

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