Liane Foly and Adil Rami, new couple to follow?

It’s a fact: Adil Rami has a weakness for older women. We remember that his ex, Sidonie Biémont who is none other than the mother of his two sons, is four years older than him. The 38-year-old former football champion was then in a relationship with Pamela Anderson who is 56 years old. Last November, he did not fail to declare his love for actress Michèle Bernier live on the set of Do not touch My TV.

“We saw each other not long ago and frankly, there was a feeling, an alchemy” he admitted about the 67-year-old actress. And today it is the singer Liane Foly who seems to have caught the eye of Adil Rami, a former footballer who became a radio columnist.

Adil Rami under the spell of Liane Foly

This Monday, January 15, 2024, both found themselves on the set of the radio show The Big Heads on RTL. Against all expectations, the famous footballer opened up about the singer. “I like Liane Foly” he said. “When you sing, it excites me” he then admitted, turning directly to the main interested party who burst out laughing. “We can play little BAC if you want” then replied the 61-year-old singer.

And Laurent Ruquier tries to find out more: “Do you like Liane Foly Mr Rami?”. To which the footballer replied: “She is very beautiful…”. Touched and embarrassed, Liane Foly then responded: “You’re going to make me blush, eh… No, but it’s nice to please the younger generation”.


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