Liam Gallagher, “thoroughly”, releases a “heartbreaking” album

Liam Gallagher is back with a new album, “C’mon You Know”, a prelude to big concerts this summer.

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After two acclaimed studio albums and two acoustics in five years, the former enfant terrible of English rock has finally come to terms with the Oasis era. About this third solo album, Liam Gallagher assures him: “It’s not specifically about the pandemic, there’s always shit in the world. We didn’t want to come back with a ‘soft knee’ album. We thought that when we were allowed to play again, we would go thoroughly having fun.”

So the Mancunian, soon to be fifty years old, did what he knows how to do best: sing, occupy the whole place, even putting away the few sweet songs he had written. “With this pandemic story, everyone became more tender. We had beautiful songs under our belt, but the more it progressed the more I said to myself: I’m going to come back with a fucking album that rocks, let’s go for celebration !”

However, the rockstar returned to the top of sales has polished his production, inviting an esteemed colleague, Dave Grohl. And Liam Gallagher proclaims his love of France: “I must have been a Parisian in another life: I pick up everything when I walk in the streets, and each time I say to myself ‘this place is familiar’.”

Twenty-six years after the legendary Oasis concerts at Knebworth, Liam Gallagher will perform there twice, next week. Two gigantic concerts, the biggest of a solo career that continues to take off again. Liam Gallagher will also be in several festivals this summer in France: the Vyv Festival in Dijon, the Cognac Blues Passion, Beauregard and the Cabaret Vert in Charleville-Mézières.

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