“Happiness and macaroons” in Bazarnes
In Bazarnes Myriam Borie makes with love macaroons but also desserts, cabbage, mounted pieces…
– Catherine Marchesin
“Happiness and macaroons” these are delicacies made with quality ingredients, local if possible. No artificial flavors or colors… a real treat !
“The Commandery of Saulce sur Yonne” in Escolives Sainte Camille
“The commandery of Saulce” is the witness of the life of the commanderies of Malta, and it is registered in the inventory of the historical monuments.
– Catherine Marchesin
– Catherine Marchesin
It is made up of several buildings: A small castle representative of Louis XV constructions, rebuilt in 1760 for the Commander of Malta. A remarkable little Trianon with its interior frescoes and exterior sculptures.
The parklisted as remarkable gardenrecalls the heyday of French gardens
The Dungeon of Cravant
Since 1983, Colette Bechet lives in the keep of Cravant. Alone, she fights to keep the old 13th century fortress alive. This dungeon is what remains today of the fortifications of Cravant which were the object of a famous battle in 1423.
– Catherine Marchesin
Colette Bechet presents a collection of hemp creations and dreams of turning it into a museum.
“Divine Cycle” at Vincelottes
Gregory Millet created “Divine Cycle” to take you on a discovery of Burgundy and its wines by electric bike.
– Catherine Marchesin
– Catherine Marchesin
It offers half-day and full-day tours.
Archaeological site of Escolives Sainte Camille
“The archaeological site of Escolives Sainte Camille” offers us a real dive into the gallo roman world.
– Catherine Marchesin
We are along the old Via Agrippa on the site of a Gallo Roman residence. Today you can see the thermal baths and a museum.
The Domaine du Clos du Roi in Escolives Sainte Camille
The Domaine du Clos du Roi has been a family winery for 3 generations.
– Catherine Marchesin
Today it’s Magali Bernard who manages the domain. Discover the estate’s wine bar and visit its cellars! A nice stopover in the middle of the Auxerrois vineyards!