Large families: Diana Blois disturbs with her family allowances, her development

Since its launch, the show Large families, life in XXL met with great success on TF1. The candidates are also exciting on social networks, but their great popularity sometimes has its limits. Indeed, the tribes put forward often find themselves under the fire of criticism because of the Family allowances that they all perceive.

Diana Blois and his own do not escape the derogatory remarks of certain Internet users. “It was the first messages that we could receive“, she revealed during an interview with Jordan De Luxe in At Jordan’sin partnership with Entertainment TV. “It’s in people’s minds“, today regrets her husband Gérôme, with whom she is at the head of a clan made up of 9 children. And for Diana to specify: “As soon as we do something, it’s thanks to the allocs. You’re going on vacation, thank you allowances…“.

Diana Blois reframes her detractors

Yet, contrary to what people might think, state aid is far from enabling them to ensure their daily lives. “You don’t live on family allowances“, insisted on correcting Diana Blois. She nevertheless recognizes having been saved by this help when she separated from her first companion, then finding herself alone with her first seven children.In this case, for me, the only period when I survived thanks to family allowances was when I was a single mom with my seven children. I had twins who had just been born, they were all babies… And Even though I had family allowances, that wasn’t nirvana either. It allowed me to surviveand that, thank you France. Because indeed, it saved me as a single mom“, she acknowledged. And to conclude: “It’s not the family allowances that make you go to the Caribbean“.

Diana Blois is not the only one to have had to make an update on family allowances. In the past, Amandine Pellissard also defended herself from taking advantage of it too much, recalling in passing that caring full-time for a host of children was a real job in itself.

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