Kyrgyzstan | Tourists survive an avalanche

Ten people, including nine Britons, managed to get to safety when an avalanche hit where their group was in the Tian Shan Range, Kyrgyzstan.

Posted at 12:48 a.m.

The images captured by Harry Shimmin, one of the tour members, are spectacular. He was able to share them on social networks, including his Instagram account.

Mr Shimmin had separated from the group to take photos when he heard “the sound of deep ice cracking behind me”, according to the account he posted with the video.

He added: “I had been there for a few minutes already and I knew there was a place to take shelter right next to me.

According to the British daily The GuardianMr. Shimmin said he knew the rest of his group was further away and would therefore be safe.

“The whole group was laughing and crying, happy to be alive. It was only later that we realized how lucky we had been. If we had walked five more minutes on our hike, we would all have died,” Mr. Shimmin added.

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