Killing in Saskatchewan | Justin Trudeau announces 42.5 million in six years for James Smith’s Cree Nation

(Montreal) The federal government will invest $42.5 million over the next six years to help a Saskatchewan First Nation rocked by a killing spree nearly three months ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday after meeting with leaders communities and families of victims.

Trudeau said the funds will be used to build a new wellness center and redesign a lodge to better meet the needs of its members.

” [Cela] will allow the James Smith Cree Nation to design the programs that best meet the needs of its members,” said Mr. Trudeau during a press conference.

He said the government was also spending 2.5 million over five years to increase community access to treatment, including traditional and cultural supports, as well as long-term care for people with addiction problems.

Additionally, Trudeau announced an additional $20 million over four years to complete the Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities initiative, which supports community-based safety and well-being projects for Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ people in diverse communities. , including James Smith.

First Nation Cree Chief Wally Burns wants an Indigenous police service and he said the community needs funding for housing, especially for those who are reluctant to return to where family members have been. you are.

Trudeau said Ottawa must continue to work with First Nations to ensure Indigenous policing is recognized as an essential service.

“Our common goal is to make people feel safe,” he said on Monday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earlier visited the site of the graves of victims of a Saskatchewan First Nation killing spree, before meeting with family members privately.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meditates at the graves of the victims.

Governor General Mary Simon, the first Indigenous person in Canada to hold the title, visited the cemetery of the same church in late September.

Trudeau told First Nation leaders in Saskatchewan that the whole country was in mourning after the September 4 stabbing attacks that left 11 dead and 18 injured in James Smith’s Cree Nation, as well as in the nearby village of Weldon, northeast of Saskatoon.

The suspect in the attacks, Myles Sanderson, 32, died after being arrested.

Building more resilient communities

The prime minister was also expected to spend part of the day in meetings with community leaders and members. He made a public announcement in the afternoon.

“Today I met with the families of the victims here in the James Smith Cree Nation in Saskatchewan. I thank them for sharing the stories of the loved ones they lost in this tragic event, he said in French. We will always remember them. Earlier I also met with the chiefs and council members and told them that our government is there to support the community. »

Trudeau met Monday with James Smith Cree Nation Chief Wally Burns, as well as Peter Chapman First Nation Chief Robert Head and Chakastaypasin First Nation Chief Calvin Sanderson.

“Your leadership and, quite frankly, the way the community has come together has been extremely important,” he said.


Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and First Nation Chief Peter Chapman, Robert Head

Mr Trudeau added that all Canadians were in mourning after the “horrible violence”.

The prime minister was draped in a blue, white and black starry blanket and presented with a feather from chef Wally Burns.

Since September 4, the feather has been blessed by the elders on the healing journey, the chief explained. It comes from families and the community.

Trudeau said he spoke with families about the need to build stronger, more resilient communities to reduce the risk of such violence happening again.

He added that Ottawa is also providing resources and support on behalf of the government and all Canadians. He said they will be there for the community and healing takes a long time.

“An honor” to receive Mr. Trudeau

The event amplified calls for more Indigenous-led policing, and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino promised to “work around the clock” to introduce legislation this fall that would declare Indigenous policing as an essential service.

Saskatchewan’s Chief Coroner said two public inquiries will be held into the attacks – one which will focus on the 11 deaths and the other on the death of suspect Myles Sanderson after his arrest.

The families of the victims gathered at the band council office, where they each had the opportunity to have a private meeting with Trudeau. They shared food, including bannock, on the first floor of the building. The smell of incense sticks, a traditional practice, wafted through the hallways. The walls were covered with hearts and cards with words of support.

Brian (Buggy) Burns and one of his sons, who were injured in the attack, met with the Prime Minister. His wife, Bonnie, and son Gregory were killed in their home during the stabbing. Since then, he has been living with his surviving children, a granddaughter and a grandson, in a hotel in Melfort, Saskatchewan, as they cannot return home.

Wally Burns said it was an honor to have Mr. Trudeau in the community.

“Today we share the celebration of life that has been passed down in such a short time. There’s a lot to learn and there’s a lot to mourn,” Mr. Burns said.

When we heal, we all heal, the chief said, adding that they want to be more influential in protecting their nation.

Earlier in the day, Trudeau, who was accompanied by Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu, visited St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, where seven of the victims are buried.

The wind was blowing fresh snow as Mr. Trudeau walked through the cemetery. He placed tobacco and made the sign of the cross on each of the graves. Prime Minister Trudeau also observed a moment of silence after the leaders spoke briefly at the various locations.

“I know you’re still in shock and you’re still processing what happened and what happened,” Trudeau said at a news conference in the school gymnasium. of the James Smith Cree Nation. I know from the conversations I’ve had that community members are still dealing with this every day. »

Mr. Trudeau mentioned each of the victims by name.

He recounted that Carol and Thomas Burns were visiting the First Nation and were embroiled in the violence. He talked about Christian and Lana Head, whose family told him their deaths had left holes in their lives. He talked about Gloria Burns, who went to help others that day and lost her life.

“It’s not just names. They are not just a number of people in this horrific attack, he said. They are all individuals with stories.”

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