journalist Omar Radi sentenced on appeal to six years in prison

The 35-year-old independent reporter, known for his critical positions towards the government, was prosecuted for “undermining the internal security of the State” with “foreign financing” and for “rape”. Two separate cases, heard and judged jointly.

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“My only wrong is to have called for independent justice”. Omar Radi, Moroccan journalist and human rights defender, was sentenced on appeal by Moroccan justice to six years in prison in a double case of “espionage” and “rape”, on the night of Thursday 3 to Friday 4 March. “It’s a very harsh judgment. We presented all the elements proving the innocence of Omar Radi before the court but unfortunately nothing was taken into account”told AFP Miloud Kandil, defense lawyer, who will appeal in cassation.

The 35-year-old independent reporter, known for his critical positions towards the government, was prosecuted for “undermining the internal security of the State” with “foreign financing” and for “rape”. These two separate cases were heard and decided jointly. Omar Radi claims to be prosecuted for his opinions and has always denied the charges against him.

The Casablanca Court of Appeal thus confirmed the heavy sentence pronounced at first instance on July 19, 2021. The prosecution had claimed on Tuesday “the maximum sentence against the accused with regard to the incriminating elements”. In Morocco, the charge of rape is punishable by ten years in prison.

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