Jean-Jacques Bourdin accused of attempted sexual assault: “affected”, his wife Anne Nivat cracks on CNews

The case makes collateral victims. On Wednesday February 2, 2022, Anne Nivat came to promote her new book France from the front – published on January 19 by Fayard – on the set of the show Time for the pros. But attention quickly turned to another theme: the accusations of sexual assault against her husband Jean-Jacques Bourdin and the investigation that has since been opened in Paris. A situation that weighs heavily on the shoulders of the author, who said she was very “affected” on CNews.

nobody deserves it

How do you want to live it, apart from living it badly? No one would handle that situation well. And I have to be in the media today because I have this bookshe explained to Pascal Praud before holding back her tears somehow. And… you hear my emotion. I don’t know if I will continue to write books. I don’t know if I will continue to go to the media. Because there is too much hate. Against my husband, but I also feel it against me. And no one deserves that. Anybody.”

Neither her nor anyone else

As a reminder, a former BFMTV journalist filed a complaint against Jean-Jacques Bourdin on January 15, 2022. She evoked years of harassment and a specific memory during which the host would have “sgrabbed by the neck“and would have”tried to kiss her several times” in a swimming pool located in Calvi, in Haute-Corse. “I have decided not to express myself on this subject but I contest the facts reported by the press and I let justice do its job.“, he simply underlined by receiving Valérie Pécresse on the set of France in the eyes. He had previously assured the newspaper The Parisianthat he actually knew the complainant but that he would not “never tried to kiss her by force“.”Neither her nor anyone else“he concluded…

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