For Jean-Paul Hamon, “it is a convention which absolutely does not take into account the galloping desertification which is sweeping across France”.
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“It’s barely catching up with inflation”, regrets on franceinfo Friday May 17 Jean-Paul Hamon, general practitioner and honorary president of the Federation of Doctors of France. He reacts to the price of the consultation with the general practitioner which will increase to 30 euros in December, according to a draft agreement finalized today by Health Insurance and the unions of private doctors. This draft agreement, which also provides for upgrades for specialists and collective commitments for access to care, must now be ratified by a sufficiently representative group of unions to enter into force.
For Jean-Paul Hamon, “it is a convention which absolutely does not take into account the galloping desertification which is reaching France” and which also does not take into consideration the “discouragement of general practitioners who see their profession being dismantled”. He indeed regrets that we “claims that the general practitioner profession is a succession of small acts which could be carried out by pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists or by teleconsultations”. A practice which “prosperous” and which is nevertheless synonymous, according to him, with a “deterioration in the quality of patient care”.
Concerning this draft agreement and this increase in the pricing of consultations, “there will be a text which will be sent by the Health Insurance Fund”. This text will then be transferred “to all the members of our union,” he explains, “and it is the members who will decide”. The general practitioner “will see what this vote will give” but he assures that “the trend is rather pessimistic”.