It’s “abracadabrantesque”, judges the deputy LR Philippe Juvin

The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened a preliminary investigation for “embezzlement of public funds” on the presidential campaign of Valérie Pécresse. The investigations follow a report from the ecologist Julien Bayou dated April 19, 2022.

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“We don’t know what it is and it falls like that brutally”reacted Tuesday, September 27 on franceinfo Philippe Juvin, deputy Les Républicains des Hauts-de-Seine, after the opening of an investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office for “embezzlement of public funds”, on the conditions under which the presidential campaign of the candidate LR Valérie Pécresse was organized.

“Valérie Pécresse was questioned by the voice of her lawyer” and “said that not only did she not know what it was, but that it was, until proven otherwise, a totally slanderous denunciation and that she intends to sue the person who made it denounced”he added. “Let’s wait and see. Currently, we have the impression that judgments are made through social networks or the press. It all seems absolutely preposterous”denounced Philippe Juvin.

The investigation follows a report by Julien Bayou, elected EELV to the Île-de-France regional council chaired by Valérie Pécresse, on April 19, 2022 in the middle of the presidential election. The investigations were entrusted to the Economic Crime Suppression Brigade (BRDE). “Decidedly, the unfortunate [Julien Bayou] is very much in the news these days”quips Philippe Juvin, since Julien Bayou resigned Monday from his post of national secretary of Europe Ecology the Greens, because he is accused of “moral violence” on his ex-companion.

Philippe Juvin says he supports Valérie Pécresse after the opening of this investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office on his presidential campaign. “You have to be serious. They claim a number of things like that for free”but “Where is the evidence ?”launches the LR deputy from Hauts-de-Seine. Deputy Republicans considers it normal for the prosecution to open an investigation: “fortunately, because it allows you to say it exists or it does not exist. There is proof or there is no proof. If the prosecution did not open the investigation, we would remain in the rumor and slander. It is very good that an investigation is opened”.

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