Ingrid Chauvin: Her son Tom, 6 years old, with long hair and already a great runner!

Ingrid Chauvin is a mother hen that every step taken by her son amazes. The actress and her husband at the time Thierry Peythieu, father of her son, had even created an Instagram account for her. Now separated, the parents alternate for the custody of Tom, 6 years old. And after having spent some time with dad to breathe the fresh mountain air, it is with mom that the little boy now enjoys… And exerts himself!

In an Instagram story unveiled this Friday, July 29 (see slideshow), Ingrid Chauvin films her young son in the middle of an intensive sports session. The boy, long, blond and curly hair, is busy on an elliptical trainer and as much to say that he is not here to laugh. In a red outfit, Tom Peythieu connects the movements at the speed of lightning. Even her famous mom can’t believe it: “Down the little cap“, she writes on the video. All that remains is to provide her with one in her size so that mother and son can share sports sessions together!

Since the birth of Tom, Ingrid Chauvin has been in heaven. It must be said that two years before the arrival of the little boy, the actress and her husband at the time Thierry Peythieu had just experienced the worst thing that parents can experience: the loss of a child. In October 2013, Ingrid Chauvin gave birth to their daughter, Jade. Five months later, the baby, suffering from a heart defect, died: “I had just put her in her bed and I was in the kitchen preparing her bottle. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling, as if the atmosphere that emanated from his room was different. […] I stayed close to her and, little by little, I felt her pulse getting weaker and weaker. I watched helplessly as my daughter left“, she confided to Paris Match.

If the pain of absence is still present, Ingrid Chauvin is moving forward, for her own good, that of her son and that of the man who now shares her life. Officially separated from Thierry Peythieu since November 2020, Ingrid Chauvin has found love again in the arms of her childhood sweetheart, photographer Philippe Warrin: “I remember my son saying to me, ‘Why don’t you have a lover, mum?’ And fifteen days later, I fell on this man that I knew when I was younger. […] We found each other as if we had never left each other! However, eighteen years have passed… I say: ‘Thank you life.’“Like what, chance sometimes does things very well.

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