India: Explore Jodhpur


France 2

Article written by

A. Forget, A. Guérard, A. Pandey – France 2

France Televisions

In India, at Jodhpur, most of the houses are painted and repainted in blue every year according to an ancestral tradition and a sublime palace ofs maharajas dominates the city considered to be the most beautiful city in the country.

With his fort in majesty, Jodhpur embodies all the splendor of the towns of Rajasthan, the land of kings in northwest India. Fshower in the 15th century, the city mythical is also nicknamed the blue city because of the many houses that sport proudly color. The family of Rishab Joshi lives in Jodhpur for three generations. Like every year with the approach of winter, he is responsible for repainting his house.

TO the origin, it is the Brahmins, upper caste, who have the first to coat their walls in blue to distinguish themselves from other communities. The king’s fortress was erected on a rock in 1459. It is 400 meters long with many interior courtyards and superbly sculpted facades. From the height of its 136 meters, this citadel constitutes one of the most beautiful defense systems of the Rajasthan and even served as the backdrop for a Batman notably. Living symbol of a glorious past, Jodhpur houses a second palace, where the Maharajas have lived there since 1929 and part of the building has been converted into a luxury hotel.


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