new monuments and personalities will appear on the cuts



France 2

Article written by

A.-C. Le Sann, E. Delevoye, S. Ripaud – France 2

France Televisions

New symbols will soon appear on new banknote prints.

Always the same value, but no longer the same look. New personalities and monuments will soon appear on banknotes, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the euro, on 1er next january. Doors, bridges… In 2002, the patterns produced by designer Robert Kaline were not supposed to represent any of the countries.

This renewal was launched by the European Central Bank to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the euro. A reflection committee, which brings together historians and designers, is considering this time to represent emblematic European figures. “There are plenty of possible ideas: people who are European several times, people who were born in one country and went to work in another, people who chose Europe, builders of Europe”, lists Stéphane Distinguin, president of Fabernovel, who is working on the project. Europeans should discover these new figures in 2025.

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