In Hérault, a day at the beach to make Ukrainian refugees forget the war

Children laughing and playing on the beach, the image looks like a postcard. It’s hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago, these same children were fleeing Ukraine in the grip of clashes. In total, fifteen Ukrainian families staying with locals came to enjoy this day at sea. A breath of fresh air organized by the Montpellier association Espace Renaissance and the town hall of Palavas-les-Flots.

On the program of many activities, some of which are new for children and their parents, such as lifting the nets. This is my first time fishing for crabs and squids“, welcomes Lenaa mother from Ukraine. A pleasure shared by the volunteers: “ÇIt really touches my heart to see the little ones full of smiles and joy, it’s just happiness”, explains Marcel Laborde, a local fisherman. Throughout this day, the families were able to forget the war a little, by flattering the manes of horses and by attending a concert in small groups, with their feet in the sand.

This break out of time is more than necessary for young and old alike. It’s good for moms, they are the ones who have the most difficulties. Today they couldn’t all come, they are often sick, it’s very hard”, deplores Joël Fernandez, member ofRenaissance space. These women, often separated from their spouses left behind to fight, must continue to take care of the children while facing an uncertain future, far from their nation.

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