In Accordingcourt, second round operation for the supporters of Eric Zemmour

They were a little over 300 to acclaim Marion Maréchal and Nicolas Bay this Tuesday evening, inseloncourt. In the village hall of the town, recent supporters of Eric Zemmour have tried to galvanize their activists. And don’t look at the polls.

A “vital” vote versus a “useful” vote

Because in the opinion polls, the candidate Zemmour seems off the hook. The Ipsos-Sopra Steria daily barometer for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui in France, updated on Tuesday March 29, places the former polemicist in fourth place, with 12% of voting intentions. Behind Marine Le Pen, second with 19%. Enough to tempt some far-right voters to vote “useful”to put the candidate of the National Rally in the best possible position for the second round?

Some talk about the useful vote, we prefer to talk about the vital vote“Plague Nicolas Bay, who came from the National Rally in February.”Those who speak of a useful vote, in general it is a perfectly useless vote, perfectly sterile and already tried by the French. The vital vote is to vote for the real issue of this election: to preserve France and restore the French in their fundamental rights“.

Very decried polls

In front of the militants, Marion Maréchal reassures, insisting on the fact of don’t take polls seriously : “Polls are presented to you all day long as the truth… Explaining to you that, ultimately, your vote would be useless. Forgetting all the same to specify to you that on the last elections, the polls have been systematically denied.

In the room, the message is well received. “Eric Zemmour is very well placed. Do not trust the polls, which in my opinion are rigged. I’m confident“says an activist, who says she is engaging in a political campaign for the first time.”We’ll see in the second round, but I’m fully behind him“resituates another, while others aim at the undecided:”There are still a lot of people who don’t know who they are going to vote for, so that gives a lot of leeway.“.

40% of French people who plan to vote have not yet made their choice and can change their minds, according to a BVA survey for RTL and Orange, published on March 25.

Industry and immigration on the menu

The Reconquest party claims 1,600 members-sympathizers in the Doubs. Atseloncourt, the speech of the supporters of Eric Zemmour focused on two points. That of immigration, already widely mentioned by the candidate since the start of the campaign.

But also that of industry, a leading subject in Nord Franche-Comté. After pointing the finger at the industrial policy of Emmanuel Macron, accused by Marion Maréchal of having “sold off French industrial jewels to foreign companies”, the former MP then rolled out Eric Zemmour’s program in this area, promising companies “to be more competitive by lowering taxes“, or even “promote French companies in public procurement“.

Taking the Belfortain example of the sale of Alstom to General Electric, Marine Le Pen’s niece also highlighted “the creation of a strategic committee dedicated to the control of possible foreign takeover bids on companies that are particularly important for the sector“.

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