Carla Moreau lifts the veil on her drastic physical transformation with an amazing photo on Instagram

The life of Carla Moreau has completely changed in recent months. In effect, the witchcraft affair brought many upheavals, both good and bad. In addition to the end of his friendship with Maeva Ghennam, she left Les Marseillais like Kevin Guedj. That said, the two lovebirds have finally found their balance since they have their own show and got married.

Carla Moreau gave birth to her first child, an adorable little girl named Ruby in October 2019. Since then, the beautiful blonde has struggled to lose weight. Thus, Kevin Guedj’s wife underwent liposuction to allow her to shed her extra pounds more quickly. Transparent with her subscribers, she spoke about it on Snapchat.

“VMany of you asked me if I had liposuction… I wanted to wait for all my bruises to disappear to show you my new body, but since I saw a lot of questioning about it, yes, I had liposuction. I didn’t do it to take off my pounds because I managed to lose 12 pounds and I had 3 pounds left to lose. I was down to 53 kilos. Before my pregnancy, I was 49 kilos, but the problem is that I enlarged at the level of the pelvis. And that unfortunately, it doesn’t come back… And it’s true that my stomach got a little flabby. I admit that at the beginning, I was down after the operation, like when I had given birth. I no longer put on a bathing suit because I was permanently super complexed, that’s why I got motivated, I didn’t like myself, it was a hassle. In any case, I feel better in my body” promised Carla Moreau in June 2020.

But it is not the only physical detail that has changed at Carla Moreau since she was surprised to have a more generous chest as evidenced by her story of this Tuesday March 29, 2022. “OMG I had no boobs how is that possible without surgery?” she wondered. His secret? She replied cash: “Just a pregnancy is crazy the human body all the same”. You know what you have left to do…

See also: The metamorphosis of Carla Moreau

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