“I had not planned that” … Capucine Anav at worst a few hours of New Year’s Eve

The sale of self-tests and the number of antigen and PCR tests soared within hours of Christmas Eve. Indeed, faced with the surge in the number of positive cases for Covid-19, the majority of French people have decided to take the initiative and be tested before finding the loved ones to their hearts in order to avoid contaminating them in the case. where the coronavirus is believed to be in their body. All the more so since we have been reaching record figures for a few days, which worry citizens and the highest political spheres.

This is why many people have chosen to queue in front of pharmacies and screening centers a few hours before Christmas Eve. Hoping, of course, to have good news arriving on our phone telling us that we are negative and that we can see our surroundings without any concern. Among these people, a former reality TV star who seems particularly worried about her state of health. Indeed, this Friday, December 24, Capucine Anav announced a little reassuring news to his fans. Seizing his account Instagram, she informed her followers that she was obliged to do a PCR test. Fortunately, only a few minutes after this announcement, the ex of Louis Sarkozy reassured his community by telling him that everything was “good”.

Either way, Capu wouldn’t have been able to see his family this Friday, and for good reason. For some time now, she has been showing off her talents as an actress on the stage of the Edgar Theater. She is currently playing in the play The Switch alongside Alexandre Pesle and Emmanuelle Boidron and will perform once again this December 24 at 7 p.m. “No Christmas for me this year. I’m on stage with you”, she wrote apparently delighted to share a new evening with her fans.

To see also: Capucine Anav in the emergency room: the ex-columnist of “TPMP” weakened forever …


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