Guy Montagné forced to pay his ex Terry Shane (Hélène and the boys) after 19 years of love, the incredible amount of their divorce revealed!

It’s time for secrets for Guy Montagné! Monday, February 27, the comedian made a remarkable appearance on the set of Luxury Jordans. The opportunity for him to look back on his immense career. Without forgetting to bounce on his private life which continues to intrigue many of his fans. If to date, he lives a cloudless romance with Sylvie Raboutet, the main interested party has come a long way…

Before her, Guy Montagné married ex-model Terry Shane! The one who was born in Minnesota in 1961, distinguished herself as a coco-girl in the show Cocoboy broadcast on TF1 in the 80s. Successful show that will allow him to meet the star. The ex-lovebirds unite for better and for worse in 1995. Thanks to her notoriety, the main interested party connects the projects on the screen.

At the time, viewers took pleasure in finding her in countless series or films such as: “Tattle Tale, “Dummy Class”or “Helene and the boys”. But after disappearing from the radar, Terry Shane makes the A of the media because of his orchestrated divorce from Guy Montagné in 2003. Obviously, the artist left feathers there… Sensitive subject which he nevertheless agreed to evoke vis-a-vis Jordan De Luxe.

to see also: “It’s time to think about me”: after the announcement of his divorce, Laury Thilleman speaks

“The divorce cost me almost 500,000 euros”, lamented Guy Montagné. “19 years with Terry Shane […] It was a beautiful love story until it stopped. I do not want to talk about it anymore ! And neither does she. The opportunity for the latter to confide in his new companion who fills him at all levels: “If my new wife wasn’t here… I wouldn’t be here.”

Over the years, his other half allowed him to have a second youth. “She gave me a blast. Yes, really with her I no longer count the years”, slipped Guy Montagné who is about to blow out his 75ᵉ candle. Complementary and fusional, the duo obviously found each other well. The proof is… Facing the camera, Sylvie Raboutet ended up arriving alongside her companion to proclaim all her love to him!


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