Gunshot and suspicion of sexual assault on New Years Eve in Arudy

The Pau public prosecutor’s office will open a judicial investigation for sexual assault and attempted murder. The alleged scene took place in Arudy, on the night of December 31 to January 1, during an alcoholic New Years Eve party.

A guest shoots a shotgun

A young Arudyan invites several acquaintances to his home. During the evening, a young woman claims to have been sexually assaulted. The host then kicks out an 18-year-old guest on suspicion of the abuser. This one goes home, picks up a shotgun and walks back to the party scene. There he fired a shot in the direction of the premises, particularly targeting the organizer of the evening, but does not reach it. He was arrested in the early morning.

The prosecution will demand that he be placed in pre-trial detention.

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