Gnocchi on a table in the sun

Gnocchi are arguably the first forms of pasta made by humans. Rounded in shape (a small, ridged bite) and poached in water, gnocchi originate in Italy, in the Ledro valley. They were made from coarsely ground grain flour with a stone.

Eve Tavernier: We find traces of it in the Italian literature of the 15th century, but the introduction of the potato in the 18th century will transform their recipe and bring them this unique fondant which characterizes them and divinely accompanies dishes in sauce.

Eve Tavernier is a culinary columnist, inveterate gourmet, sometimes photographer, always cook, zigzag between words and disillusioned Cartesian. Find his recipes, his passion and his gastronomic or wine favorites on his blog: and on my Instagram thread @evetavernier

Eve Tavernier

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