Funeral of Elizabeth II: Prince George next to his sister Charlotte, with a hat to mark history

With Elizabeth II the page of the last planetary queen turns, whose reign is unique in its duration and endurance. She was at the time of her death, in addition to the United Kingdom, queen of 14 kingdoms, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Some of these countries have made no secret of their wish to see their link with the monarchy evolve. During her life, Elizabeth II, whose dignity Joe Biden hailed on Sunday, had traveled the equivalent of 42 times around the earth. She will be buried Monday evening in privacy, in the George VI Memorial, annex of the chapel of the castle where she had lived her last years. She will rest close to her parents and Prince Philip who died in April 2021. They had been married for seventy-three years.

After twelve exhausting days of travels in the four constituent nations of the United Kingdom, walkabouts combined with the mourning of a mother, Charles III, 73, will have to write his own story. Some dreamed of a quick transition with the new Prince of Wales, his son William, 40. But Charles III promised, like his mother, to serve all his life. Solemn, unifying, accessible and inclusive, his first steps reassured, with the soothing presence of Camilla by his side. His approval rating has skyrocketed, now at 70% according to a new YouGov poll that places William at 80%. But the many challenges are just beginning.

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