Laurent Jalabert displays his love for Marion: his young companion as sporty as him

In the popular imagination, Laurent Jalabert will remain for a long time as one of the greatest French cycling champions. During his beautiful and long career, he achieved high-level performances, notably finishing fourth in the Tour de France in 1995. Winner of the Tour of Spain that same year, he is also world time trial champion in 1997. A brilliant career, which he was able to grow when he retired in 2002 by quickly becoming a consultant for radio and television. Today, he is one of the headliners of France Television alongside Marion Rousse and every year we find them to make us experience the Grande Boucle for three weeks.

A period certainly very exciting for them, but also tiring and Laurent Jalabert treated himself to a great vacation after this exhausting month of July. Installed in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne) for many years, the father of the young Jules, who seems as gifted as his father on a bicycle, has lived for several years with his partner, the beautiful Marion Limouzy. If the former cycling star is rather discreet about his private life, it seems that he has shared the life of this beautiful brunette for more than five years now. Also very discreet, Marion is twenty years younger that his companion and the two definitely share the same passion for the sport.

A lovely romantic bike ride

On his Instagram account, where he is followed by more than 105,000 subscribers, Laurent Jalabert likes to post photos of his bike rides and yesterday he was lucky enough to be accompanied by the one who shares his life. “As a couple, on the bike. A short outing to recover from the trip and a very short night”he writes in comment of a beautiful selfie with Marion and their dog.

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