These first fifteen ambulances loaded with more medical equipment offered to Ukrainian paramedics will be followed by forty-five others with three new convoys by the end of April. An initiative of the collective which was created in urgency and spontaneous solidarity on February 28, ”the France-Ukraine Solidarity ambulance collective”.
One of these ambulances left from Pontet on Wednesday March 8 with the director of the Jussieu Secours Avignon company, Frank Foray, at the wheel. All these French paramedics transmitted the vehicles at the Romanian border post from Sighetu Marmatiei and then left by bus to France. These are Ukrainian volunteers, in connection with the medical and charitable association France-Ukraine, who came to take the wheel, expressing for the occasion the greatest gratitude for this commitment. The Avignon ambulance left to reach the capital Kiev virtually surrounded by the Russian army.
Jussieu Secours Avignon prepares another ambulance and searches for the joint competence of a mechanic to mount the new motor she bought to replace the old one that was out of order.
– France-Ukraine Solidarity Ambulance Group
– France-Ukraine Solidarity Ambulance Group
– France-Ukraine Solidarity Ambulance Group