“I messed up”: Olivier Gayat (Large families) confides coming out of a period of crisis with his wife

In 2020, TF1 launched its new reality TV show: Large families, life in XXL. And among the tribes whose exceptional daily life is followed are the Gayats. Over the seasons, the family of nine children – ages 4 to 26 – have become one of the stars of the show. On social networks, mom Soukdavone, dad Olivier and their children Mathieu, Olivia, Téo, Chloé, Elsa, Alicia, Rudy, Nolane and Jade are also very successful. As much exposed, everyone must now come to terms with the idea that their private lives will be closely scrutinized, sometimes leading to several misinterpretations.

In recent times, Internet users have moreover convinced themselves thatOlivier and Soukdavone were going to divorce. But that’s not the case, as the 47-year-old father explained to Entertainment TVadmitting all the same to have crossed some hard times with his wife recently. “There have been ups and downs because of me. But we never talked about divorce. I don’t know where it comes from. We are still together, we rebuild the things that happened to us. Afterwards, we do not divorce at all, it is not relevant. I admit that there had been small problems, as in many couples. I admit it, it was me who screwed up a little bit… But today everything is fine“, he confided.

Aware of having become a popular figure, Olivier Gayat is annoyed by the unfounded rumors circulating about him. “Now that we are in the media, people are making a big deal out of it. It’s the game, I accept it, but some people go too far in their speech and like to amplify a lot“, he regretted.

This is the same problem encountered by Soukdavone Gayat. The candidate is a victim of gossip on the Web, which cost her her friendship with Amandine Pellissard. “The problem is that she listened to the people who made up these rumors instead of calling me and explaining to me. She blocked me directly and therefore preferred to believe people…“, explained the candidate who encountered health problems some time ago.

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