franceinfo junior. Children’s questions about the “Star Wars” universe

While a series on Obi-Wan Kenobi is released on Disney + Friday May 27, franceinfo junior looks back on the saga and the success of the “Star Wars” universe. To answer children’s questions: Sébastien Galano, editor-in-chief of the “Star Wars Planet” site.

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Reading time : 1 min.

It’s the return of Star Wars on the screens. Or rather stories of a character: Obi-Wan Kenobi, the new Disney+ series centered on the eponymous hero, arrives on Friday May 27 on the platform. To talk about it, franceinfo junior invites Sébastien Galano, editor-in-chief of the site star wars planet. He answers questions from three CE2-CM2 students from the Arbre Sec school in Paris.

Alice first wants to know if this series is “a sequel, an extension” or if it takes place in the past. Margot then takes the floor to ask what is the most popular film in the saga.

Julie’s turn to ask a question: “Q

who invented the ‘Star Wars’ stories?” asks the schoolgirl. Alice wants to know how the special effects of these sci-fi movies are made. Finally, Margot wonders: “QWho is the most popular character in ‘Star Wars’? asks the student, who explains that he prefers the heroine Rey.

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program on Star Wars.

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