for the political class, there will be two Emmanuel Macron tonight on radio and television

“My dear compatriots, our nation has come through this year with beautiful unity and beautiful resilience.we made the right choices at the right time. The hope is there in the vaccine. “ This sentence is not in the presidential text of December 31, but extracted from the wishes presented to the French by Emmanuel Macron a year ago.

This traditional exercise of the Head of State takes always a special character when it comes to the last year of the presidential mandate. Emmanuel Macron has a one in two chance that these will be his last wishes “, reminds Franck The worker. For the former communicator of Nicolas Sarkozy at the Élysée, today mayor LR from La Baule, it will be a complicated exercise, parce that the president will look France in the eye, but without telling him the truth. As he is not going to announce that he will be a candidate, this will pose a credibility problem to him “,Franck analysis The worker.

On the side of the presidential majority, this is what we expect from Friday night’s speech: “He could return without controversy over the past year, which thanks to vaccination has allowed us to live without too much constraint. Remind that the fight is not over and that vaccination remains the best weapon, anticipate Roland lescure, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee at the National Assembly. If there is some bandwidth left, he should tell us about the French presidency of the European Union and the 2022 electoral deadlines. But again, without controversy, by calling for a reasoned debate and taking into account the risks sanitary facilities. In short, calm things down and call for responsibility. “

>> To read also: five years of wishes of Emmanuel Macron marked by crises

Unsurprisingly, Marine Le Pen expects nothing from these wishes: cit will be once again “un lunar exercise of self-satisfaction “, predicted the candidate of the National Rally, Who anticipates a verse on the theme “NOTe have avoided the death of mankind thanks to measures so difficult to take “.In summary, “I don’t expect anything at all”, concludes Marine Le Pen.

Same tone at Bruno Retailleau: I expect from Emmanuel Macron the exact opposite of his last television show: that he speaks to the French and not of himself. And that it propose an answer to the only question which is valid on the threshold of this new year: in the name of what principles the French can they still form a great people, united and tending towards the future “, declares the president of the LR group in the Senate, support of Valérie Pécresse.

“I expect that failing to draw a balance sheet, his is so poor, he draws prospects.”

Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate

to franceinfo

AT left, Julien Bayou is also particularly critical: “Je expect nothing more from him, except maybe a ‘goodbye’, quips the national secretary of EELV. Freedom, equality, fraternity, climate, this president has failed, given up or deceived on everything, what a contrast with 2017. For people who believed in it, it is brutal. For 2022, suddenly, the clear and coherent choice is ecology “, adds the support of Yannick Jadot.

As to patron of senators LREM François Patriat, friend of the presidential couple and former socialist, he she remembers the last wishes of François Mitterrand:“I believe in the forces of the spirit and I will not leave you “.It was December 31, 1994. Emmanuel Macron will tell us, differently, that he will always be there without telling us that he will be a candidate “, concludes François Patriat.

AT all hear them, so there will be two Emmanuel Macron tonight on radio and television: a president facing the camera and a hidden candidate. Almost ten million French people will follow the speech.

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