Food affordability | A committee will investigate the price hike

(Ottawa) At the instigation of the NDP, a committee of the House of Commons will study the increase in the cost of the grocery basket for Canadians.

Posted at 8:04 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

MPs who sit on the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food unanimously endorsed the triggering of a review by adopting a motion put forward by New Democrats on Thursday afternoon.

The survey will focus on “inflation in the food supply chain and the rising cost of groceries” as well as “the profits of large grocery chains relative to employee wages and the cost of groceries in Canada”.

We also want to shed light on “the ways in which the food supply chain can contribute to reducing the rising cost of food”, is it indicated in the wording of the motion which was approved by elected officials.

At the same time, the NDP plans to table a motion on the same theme in the House of Commons on Thursday, to “help families afford their groceries in the midst of a cost of living crisis caused by the greed of the big grocery chains”.

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